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What happens to polymer melt in injection molding
Dec 23, 2019

The molding process, the processing, will affect its performance, due to the lack of knowledge, in general, the basic characteristics are often overlooked, while simply manufacturing a template from a component is a fault, where the polymer melt will have some trouble, we must pay attention to.

Polymer melt problems:

Metal powder injection molding manufacturers say particle molding often does not seem necessary to dry, but the excess water will produce steam, melting can lead to voids and other conditions. Some polymer melt water in the role of molding, hydrolysis degradation occurs more serious, resulting in brittle molding, hydrolysis sensitive polymer drying materials should adhere to the use of desiccant or vacuum dryer.

The thermal degradation of the polymer melt rate increases, which leads to excessive heat, which in turn will lead to brittle molding, sizing can be within the cylinder for a long time, consumption of polymer stabilizers, due to the requirement of high pressure, the modelling of polymer degradation when appear difficult to fill, will fall into temperature common pitfalls, lower the viscosity of the melt, forming more slowly.


Thus, when the polymer degrades, it seems easier to fill, and the viscosity of the polymer melt shear requires more reaction temperature than it does, so a faster filling rate is more efficient for the filling chamber.

Generally speaking, rapid cooling of polymer melt can shorten the cycle and increase productivity. It is also an easy way to achieve size ^ parts, at least after a period of demodulation, however, the thermoplastic does not flush and cools at a fixed rate. The non-uniform cooling rate leads to shrinkage, which can lead to dimensional inaccuracy or high residual stresses. If the mold temperature is low, the gate size is small and the melt can be quickly separated and freely shrunk in the mold chamber. If so, the molding cycle has a long period of high pressure.

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