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Status of Indian Metal Injection Molded Products Industry
Dec 11, 2019

The production of Indian metal injection molding companies is mainly oriented overseas. About 95% of the metal injection molded parts produced by India are for export. The main components of India's domestic metal injection molding market are: defense, automotive, textile and medical equipment. Indo-MIM Pvt. Ltd. is the world's largest manufacturer of metal injection molded parts. The company has one factory in India and one in the United States. The products occupy about 98% of the market share of Indian metal injection molded products. . Indo-MIM Pvt. Ltd's internal mold shop can produce more than 60 molds per month, and each mold can produce 1 to 32 parts per injection. In the past five years, Indian Metals Injection Molding Pte. Ltd. (Indo-MIM Pvt. Ltd) has an average annual growth rate of 30%. In fiscal 2019, Indo-MIM Pvt. Ltd shipped approximately 400 million metal injection molded parts, of which approximately 92% were exported to the United States, Europe and the Far East, with 67% of sales revenue From automobile and machinery parts, consumer products are another major source of sales revenue for the company. Medical devices account for a small share, but the fastest growing rate. Other Indian metal injection molded product manufacturers include: Bangalore Metal Injection Molded Products, JJ Orthodontics, and MeetuRaj Industries.


Powder market for metal injection molding process

In order to meet the production needs of this company, In 2017, Indo-MIM Pvt. Ltd. started to produce metal powder for metal injection molding process. The technologies used are: vacuum induction melting and inert gas atomization. Midhani is a state-owned superalloy manufacturer in India. The company plans to use the gas atomization method to produce titanium and nickel superalloy materials for metal injection molding in 2020.

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