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The difference between 3d printing technology and injection molding technology(1)
Dec 03, 2019
3d printing technology began to enter people's life in the late 1980s. And injection molding technology is the traditional industry to use more than one processing technology, often used in 3d printing technology comparison, which is the weight of the two. We explain the difference between 3d printing and injection molding from five aspects: principle, processing quality, cost, production model and application field.

Comparison between 3d printing technology and injection molding principle:

3d printing is the technology of the last century and the market of this century. 3d printing technology is based on a rapid prototyping technology, based on digital model files, using powder metal, plastic and powder metal/plastic and other adhesive materials to construct objects by printing layer by layer. And injection molding technology is based on a certain temperature, through the screw stirring completely molten plastic material, with high pressure injection into the mold cavity, after cooling and curing, to get the molding method.


Comparison of 3d printing technology and injection molding production mode:

Injection molding technology requires the selection of injection molds to produce standardized products at low cost and on a large scale. Therefore, it is better to use injection molding technology for traditional mass and large-scale manufacturing. While 3d printing technology does not need traditional tools, fixtures and machine tools, etc., it relies on computer digital technology to quickly and directly make the 3d model of the current situation into the physical model. Therefore, 3d printing technology is more suitable for personalized and diversified product manufacturing.

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