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Manual cutting knife blade made
Dec 24, 2019

The first step in making hand tool parts with the MIM is to make a stainless steel feed by placing SUS440C powder and water-soluble binder into a mixing mill and granulator to make the feed.

Next, the feed is poured into the injector to make a blank. Then, two steps are performed to degrease the adhesive, cutting the PEG component from the margin. 2. Heat the blank and dissolve PMMA.

After degreasing, it is immediately put into the sintering furnace, and the furnace temperature is raised for sintering. Leave this process for 40 minutes, then cool the billet to room temperature. It is then heat-treated. Finally, complete the stainless steel scissors.

The most important step in the whole process is the stainless steel feed, as the subsequent sintering and final performance of the product will be affected by the stainless steel powder and binder. Therefore, when using MIM technology to make scissors, we must attach great importance to this process.


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