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A method for removing burrs from metal powder injection molding parts
Dec 20, 2019

These articles not only have high precision, but also have very good performance, and are suitable for mass production of small precision, complex metal parts, but sometimes there will be parts surface burr, which will affect the use of the beautiful, which needs to be removed by a reasonable method.

  1. Deburring by electrolysis

This deburring is achieved by dissolving the anode with electrical and chemical energy. Turbine flowmeter parts are connected to the positive pole of the dc film as the anode, and the forming tool is connected to the negative pole of the dc power supply as the cathode. A gap is maintained between the poles to allow the electrolyte to circulate.

2. Chemical deburring

The finished part is put into a metal solution, and the metal on the surface of the part is transferred to the solution in the form of ions. These ions will adhere to the surface of the part, forming a film layer of high resistance and low conductivity, to protect the workpiece from corrosion, and burr due to the surface, can be removed by chemical action.


3. Deburr at high temperature

First put the parts that need to deburr into the tight sealing chamber, and then put the whole into the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gas with a certain pressure, ignition makes the mixture gas explosion, release heat, burn the burr of the parts, will not hurt the parts.

4. Roll to remove burrs

The parts and abrasives are placed together in the closed drum. During the rotation of the drum, the dynamic torque sensor, the parts and abrasives produce grinding together to remove burrs. Abrasives can be made from quartz sand, wood chips, aluminum oxide, ceramics, and metal rings.

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