In order to meet the needs of the industry for the continuous developmen, it is necessary to explore the space for the growth of efficiency of MIM technology and equipment. At present, the restrictions on mechanical and chemical properties and optical appearance of parts are mainly caused by the following aspects: uneven shrinkage, uneven mixing of powders and raw materials, density fluctuation caused during degreasing, uneven temperature in sintering furnace and gas management of chemical decomposition.
In addition to the high purchase cost of raw materials, such as fine-grained metal powder, polymer binder and ready-made injection materials. High temperature sintering is one of the main cost drivers in injection moulding technology. The investment and operation cost of degreasing sintering furnace is the key competitiveness for MIM manufactures.
Regardless of specialized and highly specialized systems, most sintering furnaces on the market can be divided into periodic vacuum furnaces and continuous atmosphere furnaces. Both of these furnaces provide thermal removal of polymers.