Injection moulding machine needs a lot of pressure, which can work well with the mold. If there is not enough pressure, the forming part will not be fully filled, but too much pressure will also have a negative impact. Bubble blowing out of the mold can be attributed to the pressure caused by excessive, generally burning some materials.
Residence time must be set. The material inside must not be heated too long or removed too quickly. Setting this time correctly can ensure that the injection moulding machine will produce ideal products. If the residence time is insufficient, the specific product will not reach the required temperature. It may harden into the die cavity prematurely, leaving the sinking place, and the material will not fully fill the die cavity. If the residence time is too long, the material can be damaged before reaching the die.
Temperature affects every step in the process of injection moulding and must be managed properly. Temperature control installed in the injection machine is a method to ensure the correct temperature. When entering the barrel, the material is heated and mixed, and the temperature curve must be carefully set to ensure complete melting and mixing but not burning.