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The Common Defect And Solutions For MIM Communication Components
Jun 18, 2019

With the development of technology, injection moulding technology has been applied in many fields, which must be known clearly by the researchers. But things have two sides, which does not mean that they do not have defects. The key is that after meeting those defects, do you know how to solve them?

Defect 1: Underinjection

Underinjection is a phenomenon that the die cavity can not be filled, and the main reason for its appearance is stagnation. The main reason for this is there will be a thinner structure near the gate. During the injection process, the melt will encounter greater forward resistance when passing through this position. If the melt does not flow at this position and there is no heat supplement, it has solidified, so underinjection will occur.

Defect 2: Jet Pattern

Jet pattern refers to the snake-like traces bent along the flow direction from the gate. When this happens, we can add a counterpin in front of the gate to prevent the material flow from spraying. At the same time, the cross section of the gate should be enlarged.

Defect 3: Top Bump

Top bump is due to the fact that when the ejector rod is ejected from the workpiece, the workpiece is not fully cooled and solidified, and the demoulding force is large, which causes the workpiece to be crowned at the head of the ejector rod, which is higher than the normal surface of the workpiece. In general, in this case, by reducing the ejection speed and die temperature, the cooling time can be extended.  

These are three main problems in the process of communication equipment injection moulding parts.

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