1, carbonyl method is a relatively mature preparation, was prepared by powder into the autumn shape, particle size is small, but carbonyl method can only produce several kinds of powder co., LTD. (e.g., iron powder, nickel powder), is not easy to produce alloy powders containing more than two elements, and the production process is toxic carbonyl method, there are carbon content in the process of production control problem.
2, ultra-high pressure water atomization method, in view of water atomized powder density low, leads to injection molding filling the shortcomings of low density and need more binder, increase the rate of powdered nodulizing, improve its rock density made many improvements, improved PAMCO shake of new powder density than conventional I water atomized powder density increased by 10%, with high density of the powder, has succeeded in reducing the binder by about 20%.
3. The powder produced by gas atomization has high compaction density, good fluidity, and requires less dosage. In addition, inert gas is used, and the residual gas content of the powder obtained is at least an order of magnitude lower than that of water atomization powder.