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Why do some MIM stainless steel products break?
Dec 28, 2019

Why do some MIM stainless steel products break? Potential cracks are considered to have a huge impact force and often lead to the production of complex shape parts, and for industry participants, improving the material properties gained is just a slightly higher weight solution to the crack problem.

1. Crack formation

Usually, solid forces separate or split into two or more parts, called fractures. Fractures may be the cause of cracks, crack propagation, and load.

For p/m forming embryos, cracks can be attributed to one of the following reasons:

Intergranular fracture interlock;

No particles lock into each other.

The main cause of interlock fracture is powder blocking or stretching.

Interlock rupture can be a combination of tension or transverse shear stress or two forces.

The rupture area may be deeper than the shallow surface and may be irregular and discontinuous.

On the other hand, if micro-stress stress intensity or stress caused by stress concentration is achieved, crack formation can result. Therefore, when the normal force component on the surface of the transverse or horizontal powder particle crack occurs stress crack stress or internal stress occurs.


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