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The MIM Applications In Asia
May 08, 2019

Compared with traditional technology, Metal powder injection molding technology has the following characteristics: high precision, uniform organization, excellent performance, low production costs etc. Its products are widely used in electronic information engineering, medical equipment, office equipment, automobiles, machinery, sports equipment, watches and clocks, weapons and aerospace and other industrial fields.

Metal powder injection molding MIM process using micron-grade fine powder, can accelerate the sintering shrinkage, help to improve the mechanical properties of materials to extend the fatigue life of materials, but also to improve resistance to stress corrosion and magnetic properties. The world's powder injection molding industry is still small, but which in the economic crisis has not been much affected, but steadily increased. In Europe, its main application area is automotive; in North America, is in medical field; while in Asia in communication products.

Nowadays, China in the consumption of iron powder and copper powder has more than Japan, ranking first in Asia. The future application of powder metallurgy parts are still in the automotive field. From a technical point of view, high-density powder metallurgy parts, new powder metallurgy materials and high-precision powder metallurgy equipment are the future trend of powder metallurgy industry.

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